The following information are needed
for us to grant your request in selling your "owner financed" business note.
You may submit this form to us by printing
it out and faxing it to us and we will contact you within 48 to 72 hours with a "lump sum" quote
based on the information you provide us below.
Type Of Business _______________________________
How Long In Business ___________________________
Asset Value Breakdown: Equipment _________ Inventory ___________
Is Operation a Franchise? __ Yes __ No
Is the Note Personally Guaranteed? __ Yes __ No
Business location is leased? __ Yes __ No
Street Address of Business __________________________
City ________________________ State ____________
Selling Price of Business _________________________
Down Payment _________________________
Original Note Balance ____________________
Months Financed _____________________
Interest Rate on Note _______________________
Date of First Payment _________________________
Monthy Payment Amount ________________________
Number of Payments Remaining _____________________
Balloon Payment __ Yes __ No
Current Balance of Note ___________________________
Credit of Payer __ Excellent __Good __ Bad
Print out and mail this sheet to:.
Cash Flow Funding
c/o O'Hara Enterprises
544 Norwood Street
East Orange, NJ 07018
or call us with this information by phone: